Thursday, January 26, 2017

Despite Praise for WikiLeaks, Trump Now Says Organization’s Famous Whistleblower is an ‘Ungrateful Traitor’

We Are Change

President Trump took to Twitter on Thursday to criticize Chelsea Manning. The whistleblower who Trump referred to as an “ungrateful traitor,” released evidence of egregious human rights violations committed by the U.S. military to WikiLeaks, which helped put the organization on the map.

Trump called Chelsea Manning an “ungrateful traitor  who should never have been released from prison.” Adding that she is “now calling President Obama a weak leader”.

Trump didn’t expand upon why he thinks “Chelsea Manning is a traitor”, however, these are the facts.

Chelsea Manning’s whistleblowing, releasing a video and numerous U.S. cables to Wikileaks, caused no deaths as a result yet the video released clearly shows journalists, women, and children being mowed down in gunfire and the person operating the gun laughing over the radio.

Despite this despicable act, those persons involved and the commanding officer who authorized such an attack have never been punished.

“I don’t have a specific example,” Brigadier general Robert Carr said during Chelsea’s hearing.’

With Trump’s tweet stating that “Chelsea Manning is a traitor”, it seems we are in for another four years of intense whistleblower prosecution on the heels of his predecessor, Obama, who started the insane crackdown on whistleblowers.

Although, we suppose at least Obama did one good deed leaving office and pardoning Chelsea Manning, the person whose life he ruined with his outrageous hunting of whistleblowers.

Trump has a lot of learning to do if he is going to continue Obama’s policy of punishing those who seek to tell the truth, those like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and others.

Trump has also previously called Edward Snowden a traitor, too; “he would already be on a jet back to the U.S. if I was President”, Trump tweeted in 2013, prior to the election.

Additionally, Trump called Snowden a “terrible threat” in 2013 during Fox and Friends: “you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were strong, you know what we used to do to traitors right?,” he said.

“Well, you killed them, Donald,” said Eric Bolling.

“I think Snowden is a terrible threat, I think he’s a terrible traitor, and you know what we used to do in the good old days when we were a strong country — you know what we used to do to traitors, right?” Trump said.

Here are a few good reasons why Obama should have pardoned Chelsea Manning.

While Trump is criticizing Manning now, he has praised WikiLeaks in the past. Throughout his campaign, Trump referenced the documents released by WikiLeaks, and used them as ammo to go after his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

In October, Trump praised WikiLeaks for giving voters a “window” into “the secret corridors of government power.” 

However, Trump’s latest comments reveal that he seems to have forgotten that it was the “ungrateful traitor” Chelsea Manning whose actions helped to put WikiLeaks on the map in the first place.

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Despite Praise for WikiLeaks, Trump Now Says Organization’s Famous Whistleblower is an ‘Ungrateful Traitor’ posted first on

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