Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Don’t let your “mess up” become a “give up”

Business-Building Action from Terry Brock

In life you are going to make mistakes. That hurts. It is just part of being this thing called a human being.

When you mess up and things go wrong it can be really tempting to give up. The negative self talk comes in and haunts you. You know what I’m talking about. Negative self talk starts telling you that you’re not good and often uses rationalizations with words like “You’re not good at anything.” The negative self talk in your head will remind you of when you messed up at earlier times in life.

Successful people understand that this is going to happen and have built up a strong mental toughness to overcome whatever hits them. Make it your point to continue to learn from the mess ups and leverage them into “never give ups.”

How do you do this? Let each mess up become a profitable learning experience. What lessons can you learn from what you did wrong? How can you become better next time and not repeat the same mistakes?

The best and most successful are those who get knocked down and continue to get back up again and again and again. Be relentless. Exercise and cultivate your “be relentless” muscle a little every day. This is how you get tough enough to handle all of the “whatevers” that will hit you over the head, knock you down and make you want to quit. Yes, it hurts. Yes, you are going to mess-up in life. You are a human being, aren’t you?

Make it your goal to practice what I like to call smart persistence. What is smart persistence? It is more than just barreling ahead constantly making the same mistakes over and over. When there is a mess up, pause, examine what has happened, apply a Band-Aid and stop the bleeding where necessary —-then learn from that experience.

Adjust. Change course. Change your tactics. Do whatever is necessary to make corrections. Yes, still persist toward your goal but do it in a smart way. This is how you best turn a mess up into a go up.

Turn your mess-up into an “I won’t give up” attitude. Make it your goal to practice smart persistence. Look at each mess up as a golden opportunity to learn a new lesson that you might not have gained otherwise. Keep building your relentless muscle and you’ll go far. Make this your default practice.

Let’s move this idea forward and help others who might be going through a mess-up. Please share this with your community on Twitter and Facebook so others can benefit from it. We need to turn our mess-ups into never give-up learning experiences.

All the best,


Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional



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Don’t let your “mess up” become a “give up” posted first on http://terrybrock.com

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