Thursday, January 26, 2017

Steemit Online Presence Analysis

# Analysis Taken from [Similar Web for Steemit]( # Before we begin I want everyone to know that Similar Web is just one of many different sources for website ranking and analytics. Alexa actually ranks the website much higher 16,000 in the World and 9,730 respectively. So when you look at these numbers remember that they can be off by a few percentage points. The reason I bring these numbers up is because in the long run views, time on site and visitors are what counts. We can talk about our payouts, upvotes, flags, Steem value and all these other Steemitcentric terms all we want but in the end success on the internet relies on traffic. ## Traffic Overview. ## My takeaway here is that traffic is picking up again! Also our time on site is amazing. We are averaging over 4 minutes per visitor to Steemit. Also each visitor is checking out 3 or more pages. This is all good news for the website. People are motivated to stick around. The bounce rate of 57.76% is also great as people who visit stay on site for a while and visit multiple pages. Our visits of 2.1 million over the last month brings a smile to my face, up 11.2%.
## Where is the Traffic for Coming From? ## The big surprise for @AnaHilarski and I has been the big jump in the Spanish speaking community. Not just Spain but Latin and South America as well. Who are we kidding that is our focus ; ). We believe the Spanish speaking community is open-minded to the idea of a platform like When i explain Steemit to American friends they are so skeptical. When we explain it to Latinos their eyes light up with amazement.
## Where is the Traffic Coming From for ## This is the one I want the community to focus on. Obviously direct traffic is not going down because all of us type type the URL into our browsers daily. Referral traffic is a generic term for traffic that originates somewhere other than search engines and social media this could be a website like for example. Search traffic is anything that comes to the site via Google, Bing, Opera or any other search engine. Social is social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus. The two that we as a community can increase is the traffic from search and social. We can increase the traffic from search by improving our writing skills and including media like photos, embedding videos and having links to high authority external sources like Wikipedia.
## Social Media Breakdown by the Numbers. ## Social is my business. Let's make this clear, the community is dropping the ball on this one. Facebook is not the only social media platform on the internet folks. I would love to see more use of Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google Plus. There are many more but I would be happy with those. If just 50% of us did this our traffic would explode overnight. If we want our favorite platform to grow we need to expand who is seeing our content. When sharing to Twitter please mention @Steemit so that we can see it and possibly Retweet the post.
## What Types of Content are We Sharing on ## I have made it clear to the community that we are doing very well in some particular categories. These are the top four according to Similar Web. I don't quite get the music and audio but maybe the analytics are picking up on podcasts and interviews that are being embedded on the website.
## The Analytics Are a Great Way to Keep Track of the Health of Our Community. ## Going forward I will do a break down of the site analytics on a monthly basis. This way I can try to put what I am seeing in layman terms so that we can all understand where we are doing well and where the community needs to improve. The community can argue about voting, flagging, price of Steem or any other petty BS but in the end our success is based on traffic! Cheers Steemians.

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