Tuesday, February 14, 2017

8 Things People With BitPhobia Say?

# The Fear of Bitcoin and Crypto Currency in General is Real and Palpable. # Over the last few years I chose to focus my energy on being a crypto currency and Bitcoin evangelist. This means that I tell anyone I can about the technology that can change their lives. Bitcoin has done wonders for my friends and I. Just a simple shift in our focus and our lives have been blessed with unbelievable opportunities. Now my friends, family and acquaintances from years past are another story. These folks like to send me messages that I should be careful. Here are some of the things people riddled with fear like to tell me. ### 1. Why would you associate yourself with something that is used by criminals? ### 2. Bitcoin is the Devils money and a sign of the end times. ### 3. Bitcoin is make believe money for geeks. ### 4. The governments will kill Bitcoin off. ### 5. If the internet goes down you will lose your Bitcoin. ### 6. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme. ### 7. Bitcoin was created by the CIA to control the people. ### 8. Bitcoin will never be adopted widely.
## Fear of Bitcoin is an Irrational Feeling Based on the Unknown. ## The first time I did a transaction of a large amount of Bitcoin my hands were literally shaking. This fear was based on the fact that I did not want to make a mistake and lose my money. Once I became accustomed to transacting in crypto currency my fears dissipated. I am old enough to remember when Debit Cards became popular. I have to admit if it was not for the US Navy forcing me to go on direct deposit I would have continued to happily wait in line to cash my check. I believe is was not until 1998 that I had my first debit card. I was stuck in the habit of paying cash for everything.
## The Question is, "What will it take for you to let go of your Bitphobia? ## Why not be part of something revolutionary for a change? Why do we as humans need the mob to approve before we accept something new and foreign? The simple answer is that we are fearful beings. Xenophobia is real whether it is about immigrants or something perceived as unnatural and foreign like Bitcoin.

8 Things People With BitPhobia Say? posted first on https://steemit.com/@hilarski

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