Sunday, March 12, 2017

Bitcoin and Decentralization are a Threat to the Establishment.
# "When We Decentralize the World the Old Guard will Crumble Faster than a House of Cards." # I truly believe we are on the cusp of a transfer of wealth like the world has never seen. In ages past it was the people who controlled the food supply that were wealthy, then those who had control over money, manufacturing and resources. Now it is shifting to those who have control of information. We are moving into an age when the establishment is losing control. ## The Rise of the Sovereign Individual. ## Advances in technology are changing the world. You can now live 100% off the grid. Grow your own food. 3D Printing is advancing rapidly. The internet is making it possible to communicate with the majority of the world instantaneously. Then on top of that Bitcoin and blockchain technology is allowing us to live without banking! ## Why We Can't Let the Establishment Co-opt the Movement. ## They have proven that they are inept. The oil industry has worked hard at keeping competing technologies out of the market. People are still starving. Fresh water and sanitation are still a luxury in many parts of the world. Then on top of that many still don't have access to the rest of the world because they don't have bank accounts. I think this is planned. How is it possible that we have Trillions for war yet can't feed the starving or house the homeless? All of these failures of the establishment lead me to believe that the failure to get the, "Bitcoin ETF" approved in the USA is a great thing! We don't want banking or governments to Co-Opt blockchain tech. They will ruin it like they ruin everything else. # This Was My Response When the Bitcoin ETF was Denied. #
The mindset of the world needs to change if we are going to win this battle of the mind. Stop looking for approval from the old guard. Look what they have done to the planet! Why would you want monsters like that to be part of something as amazing as Bitcoin? ## An Ethiopian Proverb. ## "When the great lord passes the peasants bow deeply and silently fart."
Bitcoin and Decentralization are a Threat to the Establishment. posted first on

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