Thursday, March 9, 2017

What the BLS CPI Numbers Showed Me About Free Market Capitalism in 2016.

![bls-cpi-2016-economics-free-market-hilarski.jpg]( # I Looked Over The CPI Numbers 1996-2016 and was Blown Away! #
*[Source](* ## What Markets on These Lists do You Think Have the Most Government Meddling? ## ### Over the last 20 years here are the greatest percentage rise in costs for you and I in the USA. ### 1. Text Books - Up 207% 2. College Tuition - Up 197% 3. Childcare - Up 122% 4. Medical Care - Up 105% 5. Food & Beverages - Up 64% 6. Housing - Up 61% 7. Cars - Up 2.1% ### Over the last 20 years here are the greatest percentage decrease in costs for you and I in the USA. ### 1. Household Furnishings - Down 2.4% 2. Clothing - Down 4.8% 3. Wireless Services - Down 45% 4. Software - Down 66% 5. Toys - Down 67% 6. TVs - Down 96% ## Take a Moment and Think About the Answer. ## We have been told for years that free market capitalism is a bad thing. If more money in your pocket is a bad thing then please enlighten me. The lists above that shows the greatest increases also stinks of government involvement. Whether it is healthcare insurance, FHA home loans, school loans or certifications to own a daycare, government interference will drive up prices. The list where prices have gone down show markets where there is competition and innovation. Companies are forced to compete in order to provide a product that consumers will buy and more competition drives companies to innovate in order to lower the costs of production. This is a win win for the consumer. I am sure there will be someone who will spin the numbers above but as far as me and my household we are free market capitalists!
*[Source Equibit](*
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