Sunday, August 13, 2017

COIN SCAM ALERT -- Beware of Monkey Capital and Its Head Monkey Daniel Harrison!

Last month, a person came out of nowhere, with no verifiable history except red flags, into the crypto space, a Mr Daniel Harrison. He presented himself with much prestige, credentials but in the end, he produced only hype and lots of hot air using catchy phrases suckering in buyers into a cultist like frenzy. ![]( There are millions and billions of dollars of "easy money" being made in crypto space and it attracts some undesirable characters. I believe that Daniel Harrison to be one of them and his destiny is more likely to be one of a rip-off con artists who has stolen millions pumping stories that constantly change with no transparency or success and a history of connections that prove further that he is up to no good. ![]( (MNY started trading about a week before the August 8 ICO (which was cancelled) date. 1 BILLION MNY coins and they were sold into the market at desperate prices. The ONLY ones who had the MNY coins were its creator, DANIEL HARRISON and his "team" who created MNY from nothing. So no ICO, 600M and 200M MNY token transfers from Daniel's wallet or his cronies' wallets into another wallet, dumped on the market as you can see above, then the profits from the BTC's moved to another wallet. That wallet took the BTC's and transferred them out from what I can tell and info. provided.) I have confronted Daniel publicly on social media and he will never address the real questions (like who dumped Monkey coins MNY - crashing its price in a selling frenzy and why do the public wallet data show that they moved from your account to another which sold the MNY and got BTCs, then moved those BTC's to another wallet which then moved them out of the Waves platform... you know, some real question. But Mr. Daniel Harrison just turns nasty, DEFLECTS and no answer given. Because the truth is not to be TRANSPARENT!! If you look into his social media side, he has many people who support him. If you look at these accounts, they are new, no history and most likely Daniel or some of his scamster buddies creating social media noise. It is very easy to find this out, but he banks on most people are too lazy and/or stupid to actually dig a bit. After removing his EDITOR IN CHIEF title at Coin Speaker, he was not that and the Coin Speaker site said all he had as a log-in, he is now an INDEPENDENT LIAR.. I mean author. "Disclosure: Daniel M. Harrison is not Coinspeaker editor-in-chief. He has access to the site only as guest post author. Coinspeaker has never had common projects with Mr Harrison and never received any revenue from him." In the comments, narcissistic Daniel replies with a joke that he is NOT the EDITOR In Chief "In name only more recently, but that was a sort of self-appointed thing :)" But he has been using it and other titles that appear to also deceitful lies about who he really is. I have followed the COE/MNY scam now after being caught up in the hype that there might be something real. But it took only a little time on google searching to find many yellow and red flags. Here are some public comments I made about Daniel, his replies -- he has now blocked me and still will not address the questions raised. "So Monkey coins were dumped at 10's of millions, even 100M at a time on the market at the best bids. It was a fire sale of hundreds of millions. Big red flag. Daniel hires programmer associated to One Coin scam. Red flag. Hopefully horrible amateur mistake right. Daniel calls himself editor in chief at coinspeaker dot com but is only someone with a log-in to post, according to the site's owner. His linkedin still shows editor in chief. Just b/c you say it doesnt make it true Daniel. And that is where your integrity comes more into question. (on the article Daniel Harrison explains he is self appointed in name only by himself as editor in chief... what does that mean?). Today it says Independent Author. Okay. That is odd? There is no history of any verifiable successes of yours, your twitter has limited history too. Just a lot of quotes from some years ago. If you were an editor in chief, where is all your public info.. all your work? I found limited amount but I dont have time to or interest to prove something you need to. Share with us all you history.. not much out there wouldnt you say? What about Motley Fool.. and elsewhere, where is all of your public info? Your personal website is offline so not sure what is going on there and all I hear now is there is another coin. Always another coin. A synthetic hybrid blah blah blah. Give us some facts, some real concrete evidence of deals, of progress and then we can start to build some real trust. Otherwise I think this is a joke. Prove otherwise Daniel. I wanted to believe for the few days I was sold some pipe dreams, but it didn't take long to lose my faith. Right now, at best, this is amateur hour." ........... Then on his twitter account, which has no real history except years of (auto?) posted quotes with very few interactions despite a MASSIVE 38.4K following (oh shoot, did I mention that almost all of those are FAKE twitter accounts) I replied back to another marketing promotional lie Daniel Harrison posted to lure more people into his scheme: He will likely delete this tweet but I took a screenshot ![]( You can go to the waves wallet tracker and see how they moved MNY around, dumped it on the market, pre-ico, moves the BTC's around then transfer them out of the platform. So the August 8 ICO never happened, instead they list the MNY coin, dump hundreds of millions of coins of the 1B coins, AT THE BEST BID, raise no $$ from funds or whatever lies he was selling in the weeks before, and now the BTC's are in an account controlled or owned by Daniel Harrison. ![]( The question now is, will this scam end? No. Daniel is now doing a new marketing SCHEME. Instead of actually doing something with the money, he is going to GIVE AWAY MONEY!! Yes.. FREE BTC's!! ONLY CAVEAT. You, the sucker COE holder, need to keep your COE until September 9th. Meanwhile, new coins and new promotions are underway! Now let's get back to Daniel's associations. If you go to 2015, you can find Daniel interviewing the ONE COIN scam.. Marcelo Garcia Casil. He was also part of the monkey team until people noticed and then he "disappeared" Harrison, who can talk for hours without saying anything useful, but still throwing out key terms and things that make him seem so intelligent that you must give him your money, continues to convince people that despite being deceitful, he will make them millionaires. Space x supply contracts. Decentralized hedge fund, bs bs bs. I have 100% conviction now that Daniel is a liar and 99% conviction that he is a scam artist. But do not discount this likely from being the end. He will do more coins, more promotion and more people are likely to follow this liar around. His character is very poor and it is a shame I had to encounter him, the crypto space having to be distracted from people looking to enrich themselves while not actually doing anything useful. I really hope Daniel will get a moral conscious and start to behave in a respectable way, but for now, his history is filled with red flags and if someone wishes to know more, I have a lot of stuff saved on him. If you want to keep up-to-date, there is a good twitter account helping to counteract Harrison's hot air: **** UPDATE *** Within an hour of this post, Daniel Harrison is deleting! ![](
COIN SCAM ALERT -- Beware of Monkey Capital and Its Head Monkey Daniel Harrison! posted first on

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