Saturday, August 19, 2017

Memes Exploring the Lack of Reason Among the Sheeple.

# The Media Controls the Minds of the Weak and it Shows. #
[Source]( ## It is Time We Tuned Out the Media. ## I do not watch any news source on TV. Sure I get my fair share via social media so I know what the current fake news of the day is, but I try not to watch anything on TV that could be used against my mind. I watch how friends and relatives bicker over the latest topics that are being spoon fed to them and they eat it up. It is sad seeing people who used to be amiable to each other fight because of a false piece of news or because they feel they need to defend some ideology they may have. ### I Much Preferred it When People Cared About the Kardashians. ### The latest trends can only end in violence. At least the Kardashians entertained us with how low human intelligence can go.
#### Have a Great Saturday Steemit! ####
Memes Exploring the Lack of Reason Among the Sheeple. posted first on

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