Saturday, September 9, 2017


If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you've got to dream big and have huge goals that are so outragous that your friends think your crazy ~ Charles Fuchs. 

You know what... I will always have "More Respect" for Entrepreneurs out there than most people because they are Grindin, Hustlin, and Bustin their asses off everyday to accomplish their goals.

The Best Successful Entrepreneurs work more than 100+ hours a week and Average people complain about there 40 hour work weeks. 😳 

Why do I respect Entrepreneurs? A real entrepreneur will never make excuses. We don't blame others and circumstances for failure, we go through tons of adversity, and we are the ones that take huge risks to achieve our dreams.... we take full responsibility.

We are the one that don't say stupid sh*t like It takes money to make money, I don't have money, I'm not good enough, I don't know how or when or what... blah blah blah, just bunch of nonsense excuses everyday 😨

You know what It really takes? It takes guts, heart, bravery, courage and the drive to be an  successful Entrepreneur. 

In regards to Steemit, don't make excuses... just do the work. Starting making tons of friends, posts awesome stuff, and keep on going. Can't Stop, Won't Stop Attitude.

If I quit my first month because my engagement sucked, I wouldn't be where I'm at today (doing pretty well in my book😆 ) but I think I could of did 10X better. 

So I'll end it with this, never give up and make "Excuses"... You know why?... because the outcome will always be the same... "Failure".

So I'm here saluting to all the Entrepreneurs and Steemians out there who are not making excuses and doing big things... just remember guys, enjoy the ride. 

My bad for the language, I just got a little emotional 😅🤣😂, however I hope this inspires all of you...  just remember never give up. 

Like always, Keep on Stackin! 💞
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✴️ ARE STEEMIANS ENTREPRENEURS? Well It Depends... posted first on

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