Monday, September 11, 2017 Does a Write Up About the Panama Blockchain Embassy!

![Panama-Blockchain-embassy-jorge-farias-randy-hilarski.jpg]( # It is Wonderful to See the Work of the Panama Bitcoin Community Getting Recognition on [Bitcoin.Com]( # Thank you @SterlinLuxan for the excellent article. ["Blockchain Embassy Opens for Business in Panama City."]( There has long been talk about opening a Bitcoin Embassy in Panama but Jorge Farias actually did it. The amount of people stopping by for a visit is quite amazing. So many people walking by decide to stop in and ask about Bitcoin, Ethereum and the other crypto currencies. On Thursday nights the Blockchain Embassy has a meetup where they spend time teaching some aspect of blockchain technology. ![Panama-blockchain-embassy-pty-hilarski.jpg]( ## Panama is a Hub of Blockchain Technology. ## Our friend [Adrian Scott]( a founding investor in Napster doing a photo shoot at the Blockchain Embassy wearing some Ethereum gear. Back in 5 or 6 years ago when the first Bitcoin pioneers like [Ira Miller]( and [Erik Voorhees]( moved here who would have known that the seed they planted would turn into a thriving blockchain hub. Erik has long since gone but Ira kept the community thriving. Now [Jorge Farias]( is continuing the growth with the Spanish speaking community. ## The Decent.Bet ICO Launch in Panama. ## We now have a huge ICO launch on September 23rd with [Decent.Bet]( when over 20 more people are flying down to join the team that is already here to launch the online gambling platform. ## Panama, Bitcoin and Blockchain, all of My Interests in One Place. ## Does a Write Up About the Panama Blockchain Embassy! posted first on

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