Saturday, September 2, 2017

The largest political “alt” isn’t left or right.

The groups we refer to as “alt-right” and “alt-left” are fringe that do not represent the largest alternative to status quo. There is one, very loosely tied political opposition. One alternative. One alt.

This opposition knows one way or another the system is rigged. Electing the same types of people over and over will not solve the growing problems in society. The military industrial complex remains in charge and is ever seizing more power. This opposition is ready to support anything that isn’t the establishment. They nearly brought Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders to the presidential races in the USA. Many of them bought Trump’s “drain the swamp” rhetoric and are dismayed to see the swamp still full. Others still think Trump is still working on it and just hasn’t been able to do much draining as his hands are tied…. But one way or another the sentiment is the same: the establishment is bad, must be stopped, or we’re all screwed.
If you agree that society is on a slippery slope toward tyranny perpetrated by the establishment- you are in the opposition.

If you’ve been seeing society swing back and forth around elections, you are not in this group. Sorry, hope not to offend anyone. I’m not saying who is right or wrong, just defining a group. It's a significant number of people with political influence. Although it is also a disjointed minority. Worth discussing whatever we want to call it. I’m calling it the opposition. Parties that frequently control the government are the establishment, this group is the largest alternative to that establishment. The true "alt" or opposition. Chomskey said the US has 1 political party, the corporate party, with 2 management branches that take turns winning power. The opposition/alternative is anyone not backing that one party as he defined it. The opposition includes left and right thinkers, but at the end of the day the differences only amount to proposed solutions. On the left the idea is to bolster wealth distribution and rights, empower the bottom to counter those at the top. On the right the idea is to limit the top by taking away its powers altogether- smaller government and/or no government.
Empower the bottom vs Limit the top….but one way or another the same idea: stop the establishment.
So again if you believe its a race or religion that must be stopped, an ideology of any kind- you are not a member of the group I am defining. The greatest enemy in society for this group is the political establishment.

Bitcoin can bring unity to this opposition across left and right.
One thing the opposition agrees on is that the establishment is corrupt. So anything that will limit corruption is the opposition’s ally. If we switch to decentralized money, we greatly limit corruption and we limit the establishment’s power. No more money printing- at the government or at the bank. No more governments “losing” billions of dollars on secret military expenditures, no more corporations buying politicians- bitcoin in large amounts is highly traceable, but very anonymous in small amounts. The top becomes scrutinized, the bottom gains economic sovereignty and privacy.
Bitcoin both empowers the bottom and takes power away from the top, so it spans both political spectrums. Smaller government AND empowered commoners.
The opposition is voting with their wallets, and they’re buying cryptos.

The largest political “alt” isn’t left or right. posted first on

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