Tuesday, September 5, 2017

✴️ WHAT IS STEEM VOTER? So How Do You Get On "Charles Fuchs" Upvote List?


There are so many Steemians always asking, "Charles, You do lots of votes on a daily bases... how do you do it and what makes you upvote people?" 🤷🏼‍♂️

Here is the deal, we all live busy lives and being on Steemit for 24 hours a day is almost impossible for the average person to do. ⏰

It's no surprise that I've been using a bot called Steem Voter, it's a free tool that people can use to upvote their favorite authors when not online. 

You can get it free at Steemvotor.com 🎯

Many people think bots are bad but every single Social Media platforms has them so that authors can support their most active and engaged followers, however so many of them are using it the wrong way. For me, it's like hiring a personal assistant when I'm not online. 😀


So you want to get my list? There are some rules that I go by before putting anyone on it and if you can get on it... you will be one happy steemian.

Remember each one of my votes range from .06- $5 per vote. 😳

So how do you get on my "V.I.P Upvote List"? There are many important factors that I go by... You have to get my attention by being a very engaged person on Steemit... and begging for votes is not one of them (more likely you will get muted by me 🤣)

I do add people to my Voter each week when they demonstrate that they are very active and engaged on the platform. 

Each week I do an assessment with my account to see if the authors is still providing value, good content, having fun, and making Steemit a great place to be on.

If an author stops doing that, he or she will be taken off my list and it will take that person 10X the effort to ever get back on my list. 📝

For me, that is the best way one to utilize Steem Voter. So stop asking for upvotes and start being a very active steemian.

It will take some time for me to see if you're just here for Upvotes but once you prove yourself, you'll attract people like me to support you for life... and that is something valuable. 

With that being said, do you have what it takes to be on my V.I.P list? If so, prove it to me by being the best Steemian ever. 😬

Have an awesome Tuesday! 💞

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✴️ WHAT IS STEEM VOTER? So How Do You Get On "Charles Fuchs" Upvote List? posted first on https://steemit.com/@hilarski

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