Sunday, February 19, 2017

200 Social Quote 6, Wandering

# Not All Those Who Wander are Lost. # ![37.jpg]( # The Life of a Wanderer. # For years I was made to think that my chosen lifestyle was unacceptable. Everyone around me thought I was crazy because I could not stay in one place to long. I would get restless, sense an opportunity and leave. My family and friends did not understand. They would say, "why not go to school, settle down or buy a house?" All of these may work for some people but they made me feel trapped. Part of it was the fault of the Navy during my early adulthood. Every year it seemed like I was in a new place taking in new experiences. The travel part of that lifestyle was amazing, the rest of it was horrible. When I left the Navy I felt like a boat drifting on the sea without direction. What do I do now? So I went on a journey of figuring out what my purpose was in this short life. I traveled often, held too many jobs to count, tried college twice and just could not find something that appealed to me.
## Something Scary and Liberating Happened. ## My level of respect for the opinions of others dissipated. I began to take the opinions of people with a grain of salt. When people asked me why I would work 80 hours a week for six months then take a six week vacation I would tell them they should try it. I no longer cared what my family and friends thought of my life. I did not want the lifestyle they had. I had to bite my tongue any time I was in their presence. All of the travel and different experiences emboldened me to keep reaching for more and more unorthodox choices. During this whole phase I was reading self-improvement books and connecting with like-minded individuals. This further strengthened my resolve and one day it happened. ## I Left it All Behind! ## It took courage to take the leap. For years I was building up the mental strength. I told myself, that once I did it I would never look back. I admit that it was not easy. My first two years of business and being an expat were full of ups and downs but now we are preparing to soar! ## Leap of Faith with Steve Harvey. ## ## You Can Do It Also. ## I am not saying that you need to quit everything today but I am saying that you need to prepare your mind for the eventual leap. If you don't leap you will someday have regrets and that is not something I want for anyone.

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